The last thing you want in the middle of the winter is for your chimney to develop a leak. You rely on your fireplace to provide that warm, cozy feel to your home. Without your chimney, you are not using your fireplace. If you have a leak it makes it impossible, if not dangerous, to use your fireplace. Chimney waterproofing can help prevent leaks, and A Noble Sweep can help.

What Type of Waterproofing Do I Need?

That will depend on what type of chimney you have. Stone chimney waterproofing vary slightly from stucco. But certain factors come into play with all of them. One of those is keeping the flashing, chimney crown, and masonry pointing in good shape.

Chimney Crown

This is a sloped surface that prevents water from getting into the masonry below. When the chimney crown deteriorates or develops cracks, it can lead not only to cracks but can cause other components of the chimney to deteriorate.

Winter Weather

Water entering into portions of the chimney can thaw and freeze again and again. This means it expands and contracts, which can damage your chimney. This is why you need chimney waterproofing. Give us a call or contact us online and make sure your chimney
is in good shape.