We’ve highlighted the common signs that you need chimney repairs. If you notice any of these warning signals, we highly recommend that you get in touch with a qualified specialist.

Efflorescence is a hallmark of too much moisture in bricks and mortar and thus a warning indication. When you notice efflorescence in your chimney, book an inspection for leaks and other forms of damage right away. Your chimney’s condition can rapidly degrade due to water damage and mold growth.

Damaged Flashing
Flashing for chimneys is metal flashing that seals the joint between the chimney and the roof. Leaks in the roof can lead to mold growth, rotting timber, and other issues. Flashing is not impervious to the effects of the elements, and it will eventually need replacement. Pay great attention to the corners since these are the most at risk for premature flashing wear.

Melted or Cracked Crown Broken
If you don’t cover your chimney with a crown, the elements (and animals) will find a way inside. A crack in the chimney’s lining can cause a lot of problems.

You can easily reseal weather-related minor cracks. There may be a need to repair the crown, however, if larger cracks or disintegrating masonry are present.

Contact Us for Damaged Chimney Repairs
The severity of the damage to the chimney is a major factor in determining the cost of restoration. Avoiding more expensive repairs or replacements down the road requires addressing problems as soon as they arise.

A Noble Sweep should be your first call if you require damaged chimney repairs in New Orleans. Besides repairing chimneys, we also offer various chimney-related services. Get in touch with us and tell us what you need so we can begin working on your project immediately!