Dustless Blasting Equipment for Stone and Brickwork Dirt and Paint Removal

If you want to restore your stone or brick house and have it look as good as new, dustless blasting equipment might be your recourse. Although it’s a delicate process that requires a highly experienced hand, the system can effectively remove paint from your house’s exterior and interior, removing all old coating and dirt.

How Dustless Blasting Equipment Works for Stone and Brickworks
Generally, dustless blasting equipment for stone and brickwork requires a gentle touch not to damage or weaken the stone layout. In this case, we use a dustless wet blasting system that consists of a high-quality water and grit mix, especially on non-porous stonework.

But again, depending on how delicate your structure is, you can opt for dry blasting. Some of the buildings consist of atmospheric particles requiring the use of dry blasting instead of wet. Even houses with carbonization matter do well with dry blasting.
Regardless of the method, we closely monitor the pressure of the force, ensuring no damage to the stones. Instead, the machine only blasts away the dirt and coating.

Ideal Abrasive Material for Stonework
Unlike other surfaces that can apply just about any media, stonework requires finer abrasives. We usually use finely crushed glass, garnet, or glass beads. Suitable soda lime in crushed glass and glass beads ensures an even finish on the stone surface. Garnet is a natural mineral perfect for stonework paint and dirt removal and doesn’t leave any embedment in your structure.

It’s now easy to bring your property back to its original glory with dustless blasting equipment. Our machines are portable and designed for delicate surface cleaning. They can seamlessly handle buildings with sandstone, granite, and limestone.
Contact us for more information regarding dustless blasting equipment for your stone/ brick house.